Donations of Art: Two Historic Marble Cliff Homes

Donations were recently made to the Society of art representing two Marble Cliff homes, the Manor House at 1427 Roxbury Road (#10 Arlington Place) and 1492 Roxbury Road. 

A print of a watercolor of the Manor House by Donald Dodrill (image to the right) was donated by trustees of former Marble Cliff resident Virginia Welch. Welch owned Manor House North from 1983 to 2000, often referring to her beloved home as "the castle." Donald Dodrill (1922-2017) was a Columbus based artist and educator. Receiving a B.A. in Fine Arts from The Ohio State University, he went on to earn an MFA from Syracuse University. 

An original watercolor by Byron Kohn (image to the left) was donated by Marnie and Bobby Hoag who lived in Manor House North from 2007 to 2020. Kohn (1926-2010), an artist and owner of Byron's Gallery in German Village for a number of years, produced watercolors of many notable Columbus scenes. He received his B.F.A. from Ohio University and also studied at Akron University and the Columbus College of Art and Design. His works are represented internationally in many private collections and permanent public collections. This piece had once also belonged to Virginia Welch who owned Manor House North from 1983 to 2000.

An original pencil drawing of 1492 Roxbury Road by landscape architect Sue Jacobs Grant (image to the right) was donated by Kent and Susan Studebaker, who lived in the home from 1993 to 2019. The drawing was done in recognition of the home being highlighted on the 2009 Junior League of Columbus Holiday Tour of Homes. 

Both Manor House North at #10 Arlington Place and 1492 Roxbury Road have been tour homes on past Society Tour of Homes. Manor House North was featured in 2019. The home at 1492 Roxbury Road was a Society tour home in 1977 and 2001. Click on the year to see the respective tour brochure for a description of each home.


Moment in Time (March 3, 2022)


Moment in Time (February 24, 2022)