Society Membership
Become a member or renew your membership
Join residents and friends in support of our local history by becoming a member of the Society!
The annual membership period to the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society is September 1 through August 31. Complete the electronic membership process on this page. You an also renew your current membership through the same process. You simply indicate whether you’re a new member or renewing your membership.
Membership dues are:
Single $30.00
Family $60.00
Organization $75.00
Benefactor $1000.00*
*May involve non-cash contributions subject to arrangement with GH/MCHS Board of Trustees
The Society is now offering expanded benefits to annual members:
15% discount on the Society’s publications
15% discount on attendance fee for The Society’s functions/events
Opportunities to assist in promoting and preserving Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff heritage.
Any questions about memberships or associated benefits, please contact the Society at ghmchs@gmail.com
You can add to your support of the Society by making a donation in as well as your membership.
This will help us tell our story.