A Half Century of Telling (Y)our Story

The Society is celebrating 50 years of preserving and sharing our local history. On May 29, 1974, our constitution and by-laws were formally adopted. The establish of a steering committee, determination of membership dues, and acceptance of initial donations also underscored a growing community commitment. Grandview Heights resident Win Keller led the charge in establishing the organization.

The Society's inaugural Annual Meeting, held on September 18, 1974, was a milestone event. Thirty-two residents who had lived in the community continuously since before 1925 were honored with floral tributes. This gathering also marked the election of the Society's first Board of Trustees, composed of Win Keller, Ann Larrick, Virginia Abbot, Dirk Voelker, and Joseph Wyman (see photo). Jack Snyder, chairman of the Grandview Heights Public Library Board, generously offered space within the library for the Society's archives. 

Today, 50 years later, the Society continues its mission to discover, collect, and preserve information and materials pertaining to the founding and development of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff. Guided by a dedicated volunteer Board of Trustees, the Society's efforts ensure the legacy of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff endures for generations to come.

For more information about the Society’s founding, click here.


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication May 26, 2004)


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