Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication September 2, 2020)

In 1924, Dr. Clayton Smith (pictured at the right) was a member of the Faculty of Medicine at Ohio State University and was a professor of Physiological Chemistry. He was also the school physician for Grandview Heights High School. Miss Marie McElwee, pictured along side Dr. Smith, was the school nurse. A graduate of White Cross Hospital, Miss McElwee performed various tests on the students' eyes, ears, noses and throats, gave physical examinations and made house calls on students who were ill. Dr. Smith prescribed on the cases of a more serious nature. Miss McElwee was a member of the staff of Grandview Heights High School, while Dr. Smith was the acting physician who aided Miss McElwee in her work and gave his services free of charge. Their efforts were considered "invaluable and most efficient in every detail" according to the 1924 Year Book of the Grandview Heights High School.


Moment in Time (originally submitted to ThisWeek News for publication August 1, 2006)


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