Field Day Events
Programs and Photos of Field Day Activities
The annual Field Day event, held in early summer, featured a parade, food, baseball game, children's games, etc. The following is an article from the July, 1921 Norwester. This was THE tri-village event between 1915 and 1925. Programs for the 1918-1922 events are included as PDFs at the bottom of this page, as are links to PDFs that include additional photos and newspaper clippings depicting the activities. Below the call and links are photos showing field day activities in 1918, 1920 and 1921.
The sixth annual field day of the associated communities of Grandview Heights, Marble Cliffs and Upper Arlington will be held on Saturday, June 15. For those who have lived in any one of these villages for a year or more the meaning of this day and its value as a cement for a more binding community spirit need not be pressed. But each year hundreds of new residents move to these villages and for them in particular goes this call to take some share in this splendid holiday, with its athletic events, its parade and other activities. Children's games will be played in the morning. The parade will move at 1:30 o'clock. The annual baseball game between Grandview and Upper Arlington will follow the parade while the band will give a concert, for those who do not care to go to baseball, in the big tent that will be available during the afternoon and evening. At both the Trinity M. E. and Community church dining rooms, supper will be served for all from five to seven o'clock. In the afternoon and evening there will be motion pictures and also in the tent in the evening, a vaudeville show. In the afternoon also the baby show and aesthetic features will be presented. All money raised from field day this year will be pooled for community activities, such as a recreational director and play grounds for our children as well as any other worthy project in which the whole community regardless of creed may share.
You may be called on to help in the kitchen, to dance, to judge the babies, be a candidate for the field day queen, to parade, build a float or be a "spieler" outside of the dining halls or vaudeville show. If a call does come believe that the committee needs your service and grant it gladly for the good of all.
The success of field day centers after all in the zest with which citizens take up the parade. Competition for the best showing in the parade will be by streets as usual and in individual floats. Interest yourself in your street’s effort to win first prize. Get into the parade yourself. If you do not know what to do call John Ryder, chairman of the parade committee and he will gladly give you the information. This field day is a big thing. It’s our annual community holiday and lay your plans now to enter into it with all your heart.
Lastly, but very important, decorate your home. Fly Old Glory, for the day and let the thousands of visitors who will come to enjoy the parade and other features see that our villages have civic pride and know how to exhibit it.
Chairman Harvey Miller

1921 cartoon depicting the 1920 parade... Mayor John Ryder is shown on his horse in the center. He was known to always ride his horse in the parade.

Frances Nesbitt (c. 1924)